3-Day Ultimate Luxury Fly-In Wildlife Safari – Murchison Falls Park

Immerse yourself in the wild beauty of Murchison Falls Park on this 3-day luxury fly-in safari. Marvel at elephants, lions, and giraffes during exhilarating game drives. Soar above the savannah on a hot air balloon adventure. Cruise along the Nile to see hippos, crocs, and more. Hike to the awe-inspiring Murchison Falls. Enjoy traditional sundowner cruises and indulge in a Champagne bush breakfast. Rest in comfort at Nile Safari Lodge, where various room choices await. Your ultimate wildlife journey begins here.


Your luxurious haven, Nile Safari Lodge, offers various accommodations overlooking the majestic River Nile

3-Day Ultimate Luxury Fly-In Wildlife Safari – Murchison Falls Park – Uganda

Set out on an Aerial Adventure: Experience the wonder of Murchison Falls National Park like never before with our 3-Day Luxury Fly-In Wildlife Safari. Soar above Uganda’s breathtaking landscapes on an exhilarating Aerolink Safari Airline flight. Your luxurious haven, Nile Safari Lodge, offers various accommodations overlooking the majestic River Nile. Dive into thrilling game drives, a hot air balloon safari, a captivating boat journey, and a top-of-the-falls hike, all while enjoying personalized service and stunning sundowners. This safari promises an extraordinary blend of wildlife, natural wonders, and unparalleled comfort in one of Uganda’s most iconic national parks.

Tour Highlights Your 3-Day Luxury Murchison Falls Park Safari:

Passengers disembarking from an airplane at Pakuba Airfield in Murchison Falls Park

  • Aerial Adventure: Enjoy a scenic 1-hour flight to Murchison Falls Park with Aerolink Safari Airline, revealing Uganda’s stunning landscapes.
  • Nile Safari Lodge: Luxuriate at Nile Safari Lodge, offering various accommodations with Nile River views.
  • Hot Air Balloon Safari: Soar above Murchison Falls Park, witnessing its beauty and wildlife during a ninety-minute flight.
  • Bush Breakfast: Delight in a traditional Champagne Bush Breakfast by Nile Safari Lodge’s chefs, a unique morning experience.
  • Wildlife Boat Safari: Cruise the Nile River, spotting elephants, hippos, crocodiles, buffaloes, and diverse birdlife.
  • Top of the Falls Hike: Trek to the awe-inspiring Murchison Falls’ summit, guided by knowledgeable rangers.
  • Game Drives: Embark on thrilling game drives with a private Driver-Guide and Uganda Wildlife Ranger.
  • Sundowners: Experience the Safari Sundowner Tradition while watching the Nile’s sunset.
  • Personalized Service: Enjoy a comfortable, informative journey in a private Toyota Land Cruiser.

Day 1 – Flight to Murchison Falls Park:

Your adventure begins as we pick you up from your Kampala hotel at 10:30 am and whisk you off to Entebbe International Airport. Upon arrival, around 12:00 noon, you’ll check in with Aerolink for your flight to Pakuba Airstrip in Murchison Falls National Park. This is where the magic of Murchison Falls Park awaits.

At Pakuba Airstrip, you’ll be greeted by your knowledgeable and experienced Driver-Guide, who will be your trusted companion throughout this journey. From here, a short drive takes you to the magnificent Nile Safari Lodge, perched above the River Nile. The lodge offers an array of accommodation options, from standard rooms to suites, luxury safari tents, and the Exclusive Banda.

Nile Safari Lodge on a 3-Day Ultimate Luxury SafariAfter a delectable lunch at Nile Safari Lodge, the afternoon holds the promise of your first game drive. In the company of your driver and a Uganda Wildlife Ranger, embark on a 3-hour adventure. Keep your eyes peeled for lions, leopards, elephants, giraffes, antelopes, warthogs, buffaloes, and more.

As evening descends, prepare for a traditional sundowner cruise on the Nile, complete with drinks and snacks. In Uganda, the preferred drink of choice is Uganda Waragi, best enjoyed with Krest Bitter Lemon, wine, beer, or other options. This sundowner tradition, dating back to colonial days, pays homage to the bygone era when a Gin and Tonic was the norm, laced with quinine to combat malaria. Today, we rely on Malarone for malaria prevention, but the tradition lives on.

All Meals included

Lodging: Nile Safari Lodge

Alternative Luxury Lodging: Paraa Safari Lodge

Day 2 – Murchison Falls Park-Hot Air Balloon & Boat Safari:

Rise early for a cup of coffee before embarking on a breathtaking Hot Air Balloon Safari. As the sun bathes the savannah in its golden glow, you’ll take to the skies. The thermal conditions are perfect at this hour, and you’ll witness Murchison Falls Park and its wildlife from a unique vantage point during this exhilarating 90-minute flight.

Safari vehicle on a game drive in Murchison Falls National Park, spotting wildlifeUpon your gentle descent, a traditional Champagne (Sparkling Wine) Bush Breakfast awaits. Expertly prepared by Nile Safari Lodge’s chefs, this culinary delight is a cherished African safari tradition that elevates your experience.

Afternoon Nile Boat Safari

In the afternoon, prepare for another highlight of your Murchison Falls Park adventure – the boat safari on the Nile River. Your boat leisurely cruises along the riverbank, offering sightings of elephants, hippos, crocodiles, buffaloes, antelopes, and countless bird species.

Many visitors find this boat safari to be the most rewarding wildlife experience in Uganda. The journey from Paraa area to the base of the falls offers abundant wildlife sightings. Interestingly, even former President Idi Amin navigated this stretch of the Nile.

The boat cruise is also steeped in history. Sir Samuel and Lady Florence Baker, the first Westerners to witness the World’s Most Powerful Waterfall, had their boat overturned by a hippo near the falls. Additionally, this section of the Nile was featured in the 1951 film “African Queen,” starring Humphrey Bogart and Katharine Hepburn.

When you reach the bottom of the falls, you have the option to either stay on the boat for the return trip or hike to the top.

Top of the Falls Hike

Nile Boat safari on Murchison Falls Most Powerful Waterfall in the world - on a 3-Day Ultimate Luxury Fly-In Wildlife Safari – Murchison Falls ParkApproaching the pièce de résistance, Murchison Falls, the world’s most powerful waterfall, your boat docks, and you disembark. Accompanied by rangers, embark on a 45-minute hike up the falls.

At the top, you’ll see the impressive width of the falls before they cascade down the Western Rift escarpments, pouring through a narrow six-meter-wide chasm. The sights, sounds, and mist are truly awe-inspiring.

This area is also known for its historical significance. In 1954, Ernest Hemingway crash-landed nearby and was initially presumed dead, only to be rescued by a tourist boat.

A few years ago, there was a proposal to build a dam here. However, due to significant opposition from conservationists and the tourism industry, the plan was quietly abandoned.

After the hike, your driver-guide will meet you and take you back to Nile Safari Lodge, where you can relax and unwind before dinner.

All Meals included

Lodging: Nile Safari Lodge

3-Day: Return to Entebbe: Murchison Falls Park – Entabbe

Savor your final game drive in Murchison Falls Park, where you’ll have one last opportunity to spot the park’s diverse wildlife, from birds to lions, leopards, elephants, hippos, buffaloes, giraffes, and more.

A tower of Rothschild giraffes was spotted on Day 3 game drive during a 3-Day Ultimate Luxury Fly-In Wildlife Safari – Murchison Falls Park Enjoy an early lunch at Nile Safari Lodge before your driver escorts you to Pakuba Airfield for a 13:15 flight to Entebbe, where you’ll arrive at 16:15. We’ll meet you there and assist you with your connecting flight or overnight accommodation in Entebbe.

Upon your arrival at Entebbe International Airport, our team will welcome you and take you to a dayroom we’ve reserved at a nearby hotel. This will give you the opportunity to freshen up and enjoy dinner before your flight.

Your meal plan for the day includes breakfast and lunch, ensuring you are well-fed before departure.

Please Note:

  • Luggage Allowance: You can bring up to 15 kg of luggage, and we recommend using a sturdy duffle bag. If you have extra luggage, the rate is six USD per kilo.
  • Safari Wear: We advise carrying a daypack for your money and important document copies. Comfortable walking shoes are a must for this safari. Dress in long trousers, a long-sleeved shirt, and a wide-brimmed hat. Don’t forget insect repellent, sunblock, and sunglasses. For more details, click here.
  • Staying Connected: WiFi is typically available only in the main lodge area. We can provide a MiFi router with data if you request it in advance.


All activities mentioned in the itinerary are included in the package price. However, tips and beverages such as sodas, beer, wine, and alcohol are not included. Gratuities are also not covered in the safari cost.


For more information about this incredible Luxury Fly-In Wildlife Safari – Murchison Falls, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

    Day by Day



        Number of People 2 People 3 People 4 People 5 People 6 People
        Price Per Person $000 $000 $000 $000 $000

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